Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· finack and

If you are looking to have Scout monitor your hosted RabbitMQ, pull request enables this to happen.

To configure:

  1. Add a Scout Plugin to a node (I prefer a dedicated monitoring node)
  2. Find the RabbitMQ Queue Monitoring or RabbitMQ Overall Monitoring Node
  3. Pull up your CloudAMQP configuration page
  4. In the plugin change the management url to the CloudAMQP hostname (eg Make sure you use https and no port
  5. Use the CloudAMQP username for the Scout Username and vhost
  6. Use the CloudAMQP password for the Scout password
  7. If the Scout plugin asks for "Monitor User" select false

Pro Tip You can add the plugin multiple times if you have more then one account or queue