Last Updated: July 14, 2016
· haggen

Flex container shorthand as SCSS mixin.

// Usage:
//   @include flex[(keywords)];
// Keywords:
//   [wrap | column | center* | flex-start* | flex-end* | stretch | baseline | space-around | space-between]
// * If only one of these keywords is present, it's used for both justify-content and align-items.
//   When two keywords are present the first goes in justify-content (main axis) and the other in align-items (perpendicular axis).
// Examples:
//   @include flex;
//     display: flex;
//   @include flex(column wrap);
//     display: flex;
//     flex-direction: column;
//     flex-wrap: wrap;
//   @include flex(center);
//     display: flex;
//     justify-content: center;
//     align-items: center;
//   @include flex(flex-end flex-start);
//     display: flex;
//     justify-content: flex-end;
//     align-items: flex-start;
@mixin flex($params: null) {
  display: flex;
  $justify-content: null;
  $align-items: null;
  @each $value in $params {
    @if $value == "wrap" {
      flex-wrap: wrap;
    } @else if $value == "column" {
      flex-direction: column;
    } @else if index(space-between space-around, $value) {
      $justify-content: $value;
    } @else if index(baseline stretch, $value) {
      $align-items: $value;
    } @else if index(flex-start center flex-end, $value) {
      @if $justify-content {
        $align-items: $value;
      } @else {
        $justify-content: $value;
        @if not $align-items {
          $align-items: $value;
  justify-content: $justify-content;
  align-items: $align-items;