Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· florenceokosun

send bulk invite to all your friends to like a facebook page you created

Ok so you created a facebook page and you want all your friends to like your page. But the trouble is you have thousands of friends so how do you do it kinda all at once?
Some Javascript will do!
This code snippet will work both on chrome and firefox developer edition.
1. Login to your fb account<br>
2. go to the page you manage<br>
3. right on the bottom right of the banner, click on the three dots you find right beside message and click "invite friends"<br>
4. a dialog box pops up. scroll to the end until it stops loading<br>
5. On Chrome: press ctrl + shift + I to and click on console, paste this code in there and wait for the magic to happen

var inputs=document.getElementsByClassName('uiButton _1sm'); for(var i=0; i<inputs.length; i++){inputs[i].click();}
  1. on firefox developer edition: ctrl + shift + I then console then JS paste same code and watch magic happen<br>

Have fun!