Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· timpietrusky

Visualize music using Node.js, microcontroller, LEDs, Web Audio API & WebSockets

I gave a talk named "NERD DISCO" at JSConf EU 2014 and you can find it on YouTube.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


A local network of single-board computer (Tessel) running Node.js & providing an API to control different kind of devices: LED tower & LED wall. This network is dominated by one main computer to control the Tessel & a web app to analyze sound using the Web Audio API. The data is transfered between the browser and the main computer using WebSockets. The LEDs are called NeoPixel from Adafruit.


Do you like the talk? What sucks? Please give me feedback so I can improve myself.

Further reading