Last Updated: November 09, 2017
· ndufreche

Email development with Cloud9 and Maildev

There is the best working method I have found to use maildev in the same Could9 box of your project.

Let's start by installing maildev

Open a terminal screen ( ⌥ + T or ctrl + T ) and write :

npm install -g maildev

After installation open a new run configuration.

In the command input write:

maildev -w 8081 -v

And click the start button.

(On a Cloud 9 box you have 3 usable port 8080, 8081 and 8082, keep 8080 for your main application and for maildev can use 8081 or 8082 as you like)

Now you can use the port 1025 to send your email in maildev and to consult it use the url


Now you can test and your emails in development mode.