Algorithm : You are given two sorted arrays of lengths m and n.Give a O(log(m)+log(n)) time algorithm for computing the k-th smallest element in the union of the two arrays.
Problem asks for O(log(m) + log(n)) solution here. However I am giving here O(logK) solution.
public class KthSmallestInTwoSortedArrays {
Problem : Find the kth smallest from two sorted arrays (length m and n) combined
Solution : Find the kth smallest from among first k elements of each array.
We will use the binary search here.
- @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
int [] A = {4,5,7, 45, 67, 77, 86, 94, 101};
int [] B = {1,3,6,8,23,24,34,44,51};
int k = 6;
getKthSmallestInTwoArrays(A, B, k);
private static void getKthSmallestInTwoArrays(int[] a, int[] b, int k) {
int lowA = 0, lowB = 0, highA = k – 1, highB = k – 1;
if (a.length < (k – 1))
highA = a.length – 1;
if (b.length < (k -1))
highB = b.length – 1;
if ((highA + highB) < k)
//insufficient elements
int midA = 0, midB = 0;
boolean canContinue = false;
int result = 0;
while(k >= 0)
midA = lowA + (highA – lowA)/2;
midB = lowB + (highB – lowB)/2;
if (a[midA] >= b[midB])
//it means the first midA elements of A are all greater than first midB elements of B
//it means that the kth smallest lies in second half of B OR first half of A
k = k – (midB – lowB + 1);
result = b[midB];
highA = midA – 1;
lowB = midB + 1;
else if (a[midA] < b[midB])
//it means the first midB elements of B are all greater than first midA elements of A
//it means that the kth smallest lies in second half of A OR first half of B
k = k – (midA – lowA + 1);
result = a[midA];
highB = midB – 1;
lowA = midA + 1;
if (k == 0)
Written by Saurabh Kumar Singh
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1 Response

while loop (k>=0) and inside loop if (k==0) break;
redundant logic
just while (k>0) is enough