Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· clonn

fig usage and setting docker-osx install

fig usage and setting docker-osx install

download virtaulbox and vargant.


docker-osx github project link

install fig

follow steps to install fig, fig installation

config fig

this sample, only build a server via node.js, so we only need web setting and set port.


build: .
command: node /myapp/index.js
- .:/myapp
- "3000:3000"

However fig have to set a master image to connect to other images, have to set a Dockerfile. Cause we only use node.js service, you can source from docker hub.


FROM dockerfile/nodejs


start fig and you can build fig yml to a docker image, or start up a web application via fig.

fig run web

you can runs fig in background

fig run -d web

or build a docker image

# build a docker image
fig build


At first i have no idea what can i do with docker, after a while i slowly figure out how docker works for, and i can use docker pizzle my infra via tiny every different service.

fig complete docker leaks, fig is a config can combine different service together by fig.yml. that is we want.

there is my fig node.js simple server example, you can fork and clone by yourself.