Last Updated: August 04, 2017
· cburyta

How I download files with Capistrano v3


on roles(:backup) do |host|
    download! "backup/backup.tgz", "backup-#{fetch(:host})}.tgz"

UPDATE: I've found and started using the SSHKit method download! as well as run_locally as suggested. Since Capistrano V3 sits on SSHKit, this should be a drop in replacement for the way I was using system.

namespace :backup do
    desc "Package a backup file, download it to the local system, and extract locally"
    task "files" do
        on roles(:db) do |host|

            # create the backup somehow on the remote server
            within "/backup" do
                execute :tar, "-czvf backup.tgz path_to_file_to_backup.txt"

            # download the backup file
            on roles(:backup) do |host|
                download! "/backup/backup.tgz", "backup-#{fetch(:host})}.tgz"

            # and unpack the tgz backup file
            run_locally do
                execute :tar, "-xzvf backup-#{fetch(:host})}.tgz"


This is the old method with notes. Using system and manually calling scp didn't seem the best way, but it worked. Keeping it here for reference.

namespace :backup do
    desc "Package a backup file, and download it to the local system.""
    task "files" do
        on roles(:db) do |host|
            # create the backup somehow on the remote server
            within "~/backup" do
                execute :tar, "-czvf backup.tgz path_to_file_to_backup.txt"

            # download and unpack the tgz backup file
            # note (bins): currently this requires scp and tar to be
            # available on your local system
            # note (auth): this scp command is assumed to work because
            # you can access the deploy user already via your public/private
            # key, since otherwise 'cap' commands via sshkit would not
            # work it is of course possible that you'll need to tweak
            # this if thats not the case for you
            # system runs commands locally, so here we are just
            # automating the process of fetching a remote file via scp
            # use the variables we have accessible via the cap env to scp
            # remote file to local system
            # file name would be in this case something like
            # "" if the :host was
            system("scp #{fetch(:deploy_user)}@#{host}:~/backup.tgz backup-#{fetch(:host})}.tgz")

            # furthermore, you could run commands locally to unpack
            # or move the file into location
            system("tar -xzvf -#{fetch(:host})}")
            system("rm -f -#{fetch(:host})}")
            system("mv -f path_to_file_to_backup.txt data/backup/backup.txt")


3 Responses
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Just a quick thank you. This really helped me out. I'm new to Capistrano, too so finding the "system" function has been a life-saver!

over 1 year ago ·

With run_locally you can define local tasks and add them to your workflow as dependencies.

over 1 year ago ·

Thanks for the note on run_locally!

over 1 year ago ·