Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· vincentsaluzzo

Macros to simplify the properties in Objective-C

2 Responses
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I think that you should start using snippets/live templates

propa(Tab) -> @property(nonatomic, assign)

props(Tab) -> @property(nonatomic, strong)

propc(Tab) -> @property(nonatomic, copy)

propr(Tab) -> @property(nonatomic, readonly)

and so on...

This solution will be better configurable, and you can freely use it on more than one project :) And it'll prevent mixing "Fully-declared properties" and "MACROS-declared properties"

over 1 year ago ·

Yes maybe, but with my Macro, I think my class code is more readable.
Minify the code but keep the verbose attract of Objective-C language !

over 1 year ago ·