Less waste of time during the saving with VIM
When I use Vim, happens frequently that it doesn't save a document because there is the capslock enabled and Vim doesn't recognize the command ":W".
This is really a waste of time.
To workaround this you can just put at the end of your vimrc this code:
map :W :w
Now when you typing ":W" it's automatic translated in the valid command ":w".
Written by 0xNaN
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4 Responses

You should just map your caps lock key to control, and vice-versa. It will save you so much more time than this.
It's not about Caps Lock, I think. You type colon with Shift pressed. Sometimes you're so fast and press w sooner than Shift is released.

Try mapping jj to exit insert mode and save your file with:
inoremap jj <Esc>:w<CR>
That way you can save your file while in insert mode with jj, or save while in normal mode with ijj.
Both are a lot faster than typing colon + w + hitting enter as your fingers barely have to leave the home keys.