Ember helpers with options
To create a regular helper is simple;
Ember.Handlebars.helper 'gravatar', (user) ->
# build a gravatar tag with size 20
, 'gravatarUrl'
We can now call this with a user model;
{{ gravatar currentUser }}
However, we've hardcoded the size of the gravatar.
If we want to take in optional arguments (as of Ember 1.0.0.rc6) we need to do the following
Ember.Handlebars.helper 'gravatar', (user, options) ->
size = options.hash.size || 20
# build our gravatar tag using "size"
, 'gravatarUrl'
We can then call this in handlebars
{{ gravatar currentUser size=40 }}
Written by Matthew Rudy Jacobs
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1 Response

Hi, thanks for the tip, but I had one problem. When I tried to pass like this:
{{#with controllers.currentCardCategory}} {{#each property in cardProperties}} <td class="td">{{cardProperty this property=property.symbol}}</td> {{/each}} {{/with}}
is a Card record)
I got the string property.symbol' but when I passed it as
{{cardProperty this propert.symbol` it works. Do you have any idea what's going on?
over 1 year ago
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