Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· marcosors

3D future scenario for Google search results

Google has got the power. But with great power comes great responsibility.

Today search results works well because we find everything we look for, also with many redundancies. But it's not enough, because the output is "bidimensional" and we don't know for sure which is the date of the document we've found.

I think that search results should become tridimensional, adding the time category to the taxonomy (recently implemented "last week | month | year" is only a starting point). Interpretation about data, events and facts needs this info, even if you are non an historian or a journalist but you just want to have a correct and documented chronological order in your mind (for example, when do national governments start to have a website?). New frontend technologies like html5, css3, canvas and svg make possible to display objects in 3D spatial way.

The starting point is 1991, with the first page by Tim Berners Lee. Since there we can imagine one sphere for each year, every time bigger, where organizing the whole internet pages. Like a tree, we have 22 rounds (1991-2012) with a spherical and 3D shape, each one composed by 365 sub-layers.


Obviously for a search result it will be useful to present only the objects that are related, showing the different years of the pages in a tridimensional order. And you should be able to watch results from 2 prospectives: past to present or present to past.


Moreover you can pass to a bidimensional view to check out the chronological order of pages inside a single year (2D lateral point view).


The best eidetic category to represent a single search result is a polygon (pentagon, exagon, etc), because each side can reflect one of the main subjects of the searched term. So we can delineate subjects of interests organizing them in areas of interests (geography, history, literature, ethimology, pragmatic use, etc).



Through this system, each one can draw and follow his/her personal path to knowledge. Is it a tunnel with a self-fulfilling prophecy? Is it a labyrinth with many moves and just a few sure steps? At the end everyone will be richer after having walked in a cognitive track.


Google, can you implement it in the near future? I'm sure yes. Each page has got an explicit data declared in it or a metadata that refers to the first indicization by web-spiders.
We don't want a plain and easy-served vision of the world history: we want many details, opposite sides and different angles to build a personal and critic vision about reality, founded on a solid and real basement. You have the technology, the money, the algorithms and the brains to build it, and you have the inner obligation to do it because it will be a necessary jump in human knowledge since books and physical supports are becoming anacronistic. It's important to properly record the culture evolution, let's do it! ;)