Last Updated: May 02, 2019
· ck3g

Skipping `before` hook for a few test cases in Rspec

As you probably know you're able to pass condition into before method.

When you add a conditions hash to before(:each) or before(:all), RSpec will only apply that hook to groups or examples that match the conditions. e.g.

From Rspec doc

But sometimes it's necessary to skip a few test cases out of a mass. It's annoying to add tag to each example.

You're able to use conditional statements to check example.metadata:

before do
  unless example.metadata[:skip_before]
    # before body

it "does something" do
  # before hook will run before this example

it "does something else", skip_before: true do
  # before hook will be skipped

4 Responses
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Excelent, thanks

over 1 year ago ·

I'm new to Rspec but either this method does not work anymore or it contains an error.
Anyways with Ruby >= 2.0 and Rspec >= 3.0 you have to give the bloc a parameter:

before do |example|
    unless example.metadata[:skip_before]
        # before body

it "does something" do
    # before hook will run before this example

it "does something else", :skip_before do
    # before hook will be skipped

and you also do not need skip_before: true, you can just use :skip_before

But thanks for the hint :)

over 1 year ago ·

Yeah. I've wrote that tip during the reign of RSpec 2 In RSpec 3 you should pass parameter into block like you've described.

over 1 year ago ·

Thanks for share this. However, I found that example is undefined. My rspec version is 3. I came up with solution like this:


Thanks Again

over 1 year ago ·