Last Updated: February 25, 2016

How to create a bootable USB stick

To run (Windows, Linux) from a USB stick, the first thing you need to do is insert a USB stick with at least 2GB of free space into your PC.

And follow these commands:

1) You need to run a command prompt as administrator.

  • Start | type cmd | Right-click cmd (top of menu) | Run as Administrator.

  • or: "win+R" type cmd, and switch to admin: runas /user:(username) cmd enter password to run cmd as admin.

2) diskpart run Diskpart to prepare the disk for the OS.

3) liste disk: this will show you a list of the disks on your system. Make sure to identify your USB disk number

4) select disk x the 'x' should be replaced by the the USB disk number.

5) clean for a quick format of the USB disk.

6) create partition primary will create a primary partition on the disk.

7) active to make the partition active

8) format fs=fat32 quick a quick format to the disk and sets it up as a FAT32 formatted drive.

9) assign this command will assings the next drive letter to the drive.

10) exit

Once the USB drive has been prepared, you can copy and past the content of your OS from the ISO (don't forget to copy the hidden files) or you can use a 7-zip to extract the iso directly to the drive.

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