Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· antulik

Zeus with RubyMine 6.0 Momiji

The first version of RubyMine with Zeus support was released last week. This is a small tip how to get it working.

First make sure you are running at least 0.13.4.pre2 version of zeus. In your Gemfile:

gem 'zeus', '0.13.4.pre2'

and run

bundle install

Then go to Run -> Edit Configurations menu. Select defaults for RSpec and Test::Unit/Shoulda/Minitest and tick Use Zeus Server


Now you can start Zeus server. Select Tools -> Run Zeus Server ...

That's it. Now you can run any test and it will use Zeus server. Happy lightning tests!

Note: if you rerun recent test, it might still use old configuration. To fix that, go to Run -> Edit Configurations... and remove all existing test configs under RSpec and Test::Unit/Shoulda/Minitest dropdowns.