Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· supersymmetry

Unlimited Google email addresses

Surprisingly enough, not too many people are aware this feature even exists, and it's by far the best thing about the already wonderful Gmail service.

Create a Gmail account and you automagically get unlimited variations of that address as such that it very much begs for some order / classification. You had several mail accounts like I did? One for spam, one for family, one for customers and what not. Then Google gave you the chance to link accounts and of course we've always the ability to forward emails. Yet non gives you the sheer flexibility of a fine grained email address.

The only downside really is that not every website form may allow for all of these addresses, then you might need to play a bit with the dots...

Step 1: Create a Gmail account

You can submit for a Gmail-account at their website and take note that instead of using, you can also use the mail server alias like

Step 2: Try out your unlimited emails

Use a different email account or just your own Gmail and mail yourself ^^ If you created consider the following illustrations, all of these are already yours:

All of these email addresses should resolve back to the original:

You could make tags for potential spam and filter them based on the email recipient pattern '*+spam', you can create levels by numbering 1,2,3 in some kind of grade system you might use, have contextual auto-reply etc :)