Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· blazeeboy

Worm game in under 50 line of code in ruby

i enjoyed doing this simple game, it is amazing that
you can create the games you were playing in your childhood.

the amazing worm game i were playing on the low-res hand gaming
device, it is simple in design and logic.

first you define window dimensions and for the sake of simplicity
i choose to make it square, also define screen resolution (number
of squared per vertical/Horizontal line).

you worm is simple, it consis of number of consecutive pixels,
and a direction, the screen has a worm part (we call it food)
worm will move till it hit the part and it joins it to its body
and the game generates a new food in a random position.

worm movement is restricted to some simple conditions

  • don't get out of the screen
  • don't hit your self

if any one of these conditions occure then reset the game.

script was longer than this one i attached i had to compress
some lines to suite the image like joining some variables lines
and join the lines of single line methods this saves 2 lines.

it was a good challenge i hope to be useful as an overall idea
for whom of you want to start game development. :)

try to enhance the script, make it a more awesome game and happy coding :)
