Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· polimorfico

Coffescript to track Analytics events

Do you want to track in Google Analytics when a user download a PDF or ZIP file? Just put this script in your code.

timeout = () -> location.href = baseHref + href

$ ->
  filetypes = /\.(zip|exe|pdf|doc*|xls*|ppt*|mp3)$/i
  baseHref = if $('base').attr('href') != undefined then $('base').attr('href') else ''

  $('a').each () ->
    href = $(this).attr('href')
    if href && href.match(/^https?\:/i) && !href.match(document.domain)
      $(this).bind 'click', () ->
        extLink = href.replace(/^https?\:\/\//i, '')
        _gaq.push ['_trackEvent', 'External', 'Click', extLink]
        setTimeout timeout, 200 if $(this).attr('target') != undefined && $(this).attr('target').toLowerCase() != '_blank'

    else if href && href.match(/^mailto\:/i)
      $(this).bind 'click', () ->
        mailLink = href.replace(/^mailto\:/i, '')
        _gaq.push ['_trackEvent', 'Email', 'Click', mailLink]

    else if (href && href.match(filetypes))
      $(this).bind 'click', () ->
        extension = if /[.]/.exec(href) then /[^.]+$/.exec(href) else undefined
        filePath = href
        _gaq.push ['_trackEvent', 'Download', 'Click-' + extension, filePath]
        setTimeout timeout, 200 if $(this).attr('target') != undefined && $(this).attr('target').toLowerCase() != '_blank'

This script automates the following:

  • Tracks file downloads as events for the following extensions: .zip, .exe, .pdf, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx, .mp3
  • Tracks outbound clicks as events if the href value contains http:// or https:// and the domain value doesn’t match the current domain.
  • Tracks mailto email clicks

Source: Blastam