Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· skeep

Adding twitter bootstrap icons for yeoman generators

Yeoman is great, but it do not include the twitter bootstrap icons by default.
I have figured out a work around for the issue. Hope yeoman will fix it in future.

First download the bootstrap image and place in inside app/images folder

Open Gruntfile.js

Search for compass task. It should lok something like this:

compass: {
   options: {
     sassDir: '<%= %>/styles',
     cssDir: '.tmp/styles',
     imagesDir: '<%= %>/images',
   server: {
     options: {
       debugInfo: true

Now add imagesDir: 'images' after debugInfo: true . It should like below :

server: {
  options: {
    debugInfo: true,
    imagesDir: 'images'

Note that it will remove the error message but the images will appear now.