Handy Notes on Using MongoDB
Until recently, most of my database programming experience has been with mySQL. But I've been using MongoDB, more and more. Here are some notes I keep on hand, especially when I haven't used MongoDB for a while and need a quick refresh.
Notes on MongoDB/Steps to run the program:
- from command prompt: start MongoDB (local installation)
a. navigate to directory for Mongo on this system:
b. start the db
C:\mongo\bin> mongod
- To interact with the database, start a new command prompt (keeping the first open)
a. navigate to directory for Mongo on this system:
b. start session
C:\mongo\bin\ >mongo
c. some useful commands:
show dbs
use db_nameshow collections // collections are like tables in SQL
db.collection_name.find() // shows all objects in that collection
// add data
obj = { name : "Kathy" };
// get data
// delete data
db.collection_name.drop() // drop the whole collection
db.collectionname.remove() // remove all object from collection
db.collectionname.remove({ name: “Kathy”}) // remove kathy
I originally posted this on my blog, at http://www.underground-flash.com/2012/07/handy-notes-on-using-mongodb.html