Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· vandalizmo

Fast Firefox scroll

As my main IDE I'm using ZendStudio/Eclipse. It has nice feature of speeding up scrolling when holding down ctrl. So I thought that would be nice to have something similar in Firefox (though the true is I get used so much to ctrl+scroll that I started to zoom in/out pages mindlessly and got pissed ;] )

All You need is few changes in config, so goto:


and set following keys to (multiplier is up to You, but that's what I use)

mousewheel.with_control.action = 1
mousewheel.with_control.delta_multiplier_y = 2500

Because these days scrolling is what we do the most I also incremented default scroll speed

mousewheel.default.delta_multiplier_y = 250

And there You have it ;]