Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· alettieri

Backbone View + Bootsrap PopOver

I am working on a view that displays a Bootstrap popover. The view contains two buttons, when either of the buttons is clicked, a popover displays beneath it. Whenever a popover is open and a user clicks outside of either the button or popover, the popover will close.

I left a lot of the code out for brevity.

 * View
App.View = Backbone.View.extend({

    // ... brevity

    events: {
        'click .js-popover-button': 'popoverClick',

     *  Click event handler of the bookmark button
    popoverClick: function(e) {

        e.preventDefault(); = e.currentTarget;



    _buildPopOver: function() {

        // Build Bootstrap Popover
            html: true,
            title: 'Sign in to Bookmark',
            content: '<p>Personalize your events</p><p><a href="#" class="js-facebook-signup fc-button fc-button-social fc-button-facebook"><i class="fc-icon fc-icon-facebook"></i>Sign in with facebook</a></p><p><small>why facebook?</small></p>',
            container: this.el,
            placement: 'bottom',
            trigger: 'manual'

        // Register mouseup event on document
        $( document ).on( 'mouseup.popover', _.bind( this._checkPopOver, this ) );

    _checkPopOver: function(e) {

        var $popovers = this.$el.find('.popover'), // This is a hack, to find open pop-overs on the page
            $el = this.$button,
            isButton = ( $ || $el.has( > 0 ),
            isPopover = ( $ || $popovers.has( > 0 ),
            isOutside = ( !isButton && !isPopover )

        if( isOutside ) {


    _showPopOver: function() {

        var button = this.$button.filter(;

        if( button ) {


    _destroyPopOver: function() {

        this.$button.popover('destroy'); // Destroy all popovers
        $( document ).off( 'mouseup.popover'); // unbind coument.mouseup event for popover namespace


    _bind: function() {
            // Destroy the popover
        this.listenTo( this.model, 'action:that:destroys:popover',      this._destroyPopOver );


    initialize: function( options ){

        this.$button = this.$el.find( '.js-popover-button' );



        return this;
