Joined June 2016


Junior Haskell Developer at Kelecorix

Update: cozy multiline version:

Put next to your ~/.ghc/ghci.conf

-- OverloadedStrings is often useful.
:set -XOverloadedStrings

-- Scoped type variables is often useful so we can specify the types
-- of variables (for example, in lambda expressions).
:set -XScopedTypeVariables

-- useful for import from specified package
:set -XPackageImports

-- Force load dependencies
:set -package funnyprint

-- Show the types of evaluated expressions
:set +t

-- And stats
:set +s

-- Enable multi-line expressions with :{ and :}
:set +m

-- Make the prompt a little more colorful.
-- And pretty-printing values

:def color (\_ -> return (":set -interactive-print=FunnyPrint.funnyPrint\n:set prompt \"" ++ FunnyPrint.prompt "λ " "%s" " ¬\\nλ > " ++ "\"" ++ "\n:set prompt2 \"" ++ FunnyPrint.prompt2 "λ" "" " | " ++ "\""))
:def nocolor (\_ -> return ":set -interactive-print=print\n:set prompt \"%s> \"\n:set prompt2 \"%s| \"")

-- turn fun on

I wrote little wrapper
You can use it like this

:def color (_ -> return (":set -interactive-print=FunnyPrint.funnyPrint\n:set prompt " ++ FunnyPrint.prompt "λ " "%s" " > " ++ "\n:set prompt2 " ++ FunnyPrint.prompt2 "λ " "" "| "))
:def nocolor (_ -> return ":set -interactive-print=print\n:set prompt \"%s> \"\n:set prompt2 \"%s| \"")


But with newline it don't work. Would be grateful if you may suggest, why.

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