Joined September 2012

Nicolas Chambrier


Posted to Icon fonts over 1 year ago

"how could the letter 'A' be read by a screen reader as say, an RSS icon for example"

So, how?

Posted to Dealing with process hierarchy over 1 year ago

@annavester Nope, this is even worse than -15 (TERM) as you don't let the process any chance to catch and handle signal so it could kill its subprocesses.
I just tested just to be sure, but nope, it won't work ;)

Posted to Ultimate Webdev Time Saver over 1 year ago

Does not work if you use chrome and already visited those websites : it keeps its own DNS cache and won't care about your changes :(

I tried to make a pomodoro script based on this idea some time ago but had to give up.

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