Joined July 2014

Doug Morse

Nashville, TN


For what it's worth, I think you "How" section contains more potent "Why"'s than your "Why" section. :) Most of your "How"'s have been addressed: You can now mark tasks in the Today view as "Doit.Now" by clicking the lightening icon next to them. Doing so puts them in a special "Doit.Now" grouping that always appears a the top of the Today list. Plus, you CAN now manually sort tasks, or at least the Doit.Now tasks, as I do that all the time. As far as your critique of managning the "day to day" things, I wonder if perhaps you might use contexts, projects, and subtasks, and tags in a way that is more helpful. For example, I have a context called "Errands" that I always put under Someday and tag (if appropriate) with a tag of the store name (e.g., Target, Post Office, etc.). Put differently, supports (and often extends) all of the GTD concepts. So, as far as this critique goes, I wonder perhaps your difficultly is not so much with per se as implementing GTD in a way that does make day-to-day task managemet easier.

Now, regarding your primary "Why" in your "How" section --- namely that no longer has an API that affords export all your data (the API is back, but just for importing tasks) --- I could not agree more. It is an issue for which I routinely advocate and re-advocate in their forms.

So, I'm particularly grateful for the scripts you and others have provided here for helping to export data in at least some form or fashion. I've not yet used them, but I'm sure I will at some point in the not-to-distant future.

Doug Morse

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