Joined September 2012

Cristiano Diniz da Silva

Florida, USA

Posted to Harlem Shake your site over 1 year ago

@thekidcoder pretty neat the way that it was done. At welzoo actually gives some cool effects :D

Posted to PHP the right way over 1 year ago

Great guide for beginners. It will put them in the right path with the latest with PHP. I would add up a couple other things there (like how to use a VM) but let's keep it simple.

Note: all the people that I know that complains about PHP also believe that PHP version is 3.2 :P

Posted to Always close your comments over 1 year ago

The issue was with a page compressor, not with a specific JS compressor. The page compressor did not remove any type of comment what-so-ever, as you both correctly mentioned, it should.

Thanks for your suggestions we (the team here) have reviewed the page compressor, but just in case we forgot it in some page, we also closed the comments :)

Posted to Code For All PHP Developers over 1 year ago


Posted to Don't force your privates up my face over 1 year ago

I can understand why putting the private methods / variables on the end is easier for readability but for me it doesn't affect much unless when I'm using VIM :P

I'm truly pretty new on Ruby, but this was developed by a friend of mine and he uses chef for boostraping the servers and capistrano strictly for deployment, there is when he came with the idea of the getservers above. In our case, the rubber gem wouldn't work, but it is a nice alternative as well.

Posted to Pythonic PHP ? over 1 year ago

haha fun!

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