Well done Mateusz! Thanks for the tip!
Brilliant!! Thank you for your hard work, Fábio!
Well done mate, glad you posted it here!
Didn't know copy.com ... seems like a pretty good alternative to Dropbox.com, am I correct? I signed up with your referral link, thanks for sharing this info!
@drabiter Haha! Including self-executing anonymous functions, I totally understand you!
Here's an amazing video from Christian Johansen that may level up your JS skills: https://vimeo.com/49384334
Thanks for your comments! ;)
@drabiter I don't think so, IMHO self-executing anonymous function (seaf) makes this example especially great (everything inside is encapsulated so that you could expose only the parts of API that you really want to). http://addyosmani.com/resources/essentialjsdesignpatterns/book/#revealingmodulepatternjavascript this is also a really great example of using "seaf".
What cons of doing that do you see other than that "seaf" might look a bit weird to JavaScript newcomers and creating potential memleaks when not used wisely?
Hi Jose, here's a slightly changed version of your approach: https://coderwall.com/p/ueg_aw. I have used your example, please let me know what you think.
Very nice tip @ushis!
Thank you very much, that's a really great tip @bradrice!
@bradrice Do you know which IE versions do support this property and how does it work with IE Mobile?
For rapid prototyping and a great experience I highly recommend also looking at http://deployd.com/ (seems to be a bit simpler than sails.js, but it's still a really amazing and powerful tool)
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