Joined November 2012

Matt Brewer

Software Engineer at NASCAR Media Group
Knoxville, TN

Must have removed it at some point, sorry everyone!

I believe ActiveAdmin uses display_name as the method behind the scenes, but will go through a list of possible methods to call on the object in order, such as: name, title, display_name, & to_s

This is amazing.

Ah, ok, makes sense.

Is the only reason for the additional method, prepare_fetch_later, to have the additional return statement? I could see re-writing this simpler as the following gist:

I wrote a Facebook application back in 2010 that had this issue, although we wrote the application in Code Ignitor (PHP). I remember stumbling across the P3P headers for IE, but I can't remember if it solved our issue.

Excited to see that implementing in Rails was that simple.

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