Joined October 2012
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Media Queries only for the iPhone 5! (Part I)
over 1 year
Why would you want to target one device specifically? These days we should be building sites device-agnostic surely?
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DO NOT USE min-device-width in media queries
over 1 year
Ctrl + F -> "-device" -> Replace All with ""
Plus testing in a browser is never as good as on the real thing.
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Responsive Design Mode in Firefox
over 1 year
@juju57 No worries, I spent a good 2 minutes hitting Ctrl + Alt + M with nothing happening, then I realised you'd put Cmd. Hehe
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Responsive Design Mode in Firefox
over 1 year
For the benefit of Windows users:
Ctrl + Shift + M
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Useful Javascript function for Responsive Web Design
over 1 year
Good point, didn't notice because I develop in Firefox :p will edit now. Thanks for the input :)
It would be neater to keep classes for styling and using another attribute for JS:
<a class="btn" data-hook="popup">Click Me</a>
But $('[data-hook="popup"]') is pretty ugly and long-winded so I guess we're stuck with classes for now. :(
Good tip though, I often end up coupling styling and JS and then breaking stuff when I change styling at a later date.