Joined May 2011
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over 1 year
if you add --pretty="format:%h %s - %an"
to the git log you can remove that last ack. %h = hash
%s = commit message
%an = author name
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Rails console equivalent for Sinatra
over 1 year
if you don't mind another dependency, you can add racksh to your gemfile. I've found it extremely useful and it allows you to use a .rackshrc file for configuration.
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Get rid of search highlighting with return
over 1 year
@kid-icarus curious, did you use control-v control-m to insert the character ^M?
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VIM : edit inside a HTML Tag
over 1 year
my favorite is guit/gUit to downcase or upcase everything in a tag
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My git log
over 1 year
Yea, I have it aliased as "log" in my .(bash|zsh)rc files
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Komodo Dragon
Have at least one original repo where Java is the dominant language
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Have at least one original repo where Ruby is the dominant language
thanks @gerst20051, it was typed correctly in all but the last instance :P