Suggesting --force
is asking for trouble..
Or update it from from Capistrano itself:
namespace :git do
task :update_repo_url do
on roles(:all) do
within repo_path do
execute :git, 'remote', 'set-url', 'origin', fetch(:repo_url)
Uptime monitoring in Newrelic is now called Synthetics (
I know, but why not use the actual filename when using capitalized directory names as well?
In my download of P4Merge, the app name is capitalized
. So I guess that because I just downloaded it, that's now the default..
Since Capistrano 3 is now using the rake DSL you could probably run the git
commands from rake as well, hooking it directly into your cap staging/production deploy
Also keep in mind, when testing local files (eg: file://Users/username/myfile.html
), the //
will resolve to file://
which obviously will not work for external resources like jQuery.
You should not want to connect to your servers from every location.. The servers I maintain I can access only from the computers I own. Optimal security :)
But a possible solution is using a password protected keyfile on a USB drive and carry that with you all the time. So you can use the keyfile, but if the USB gets lost or stolen noone can use the key.
is asking for trouble