Joined November 2012
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Replace tabs with spaces in Vim
over 1 year
That is so much better than using %s/\t/ /g!!!!
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Delete text inside quotes in VIM
over 1 year
It's not just "any character", but rather, a supported text object. You can also delete the outer quotes as well by using the text object a"
See :h text-objects for a list of supported text objects.
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Vim: Swapping characters to quickly fix typos
over 1 year
In order to make the shortcut more second-nature, try thinking of xp standing for 'transpose'.
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Get rid of search highlighting with return
over 1 year
For some reason the ^M didn't map for me, not sure why.
I ended up using:
nmap <CR> :nohlsearch<CR>
Thanks for that though, the lingering highlighting was driving me crazy! I would usually just do a search for 'asdfasdfasdf', heh :)
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Nephila Komaci 3
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Nephila Komaci
Have at least one original repos where PHP is the dominant language

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Note, that this only works if you have :set noexpandtab