Joined June 2013

Barclay Dunn

United States

Posted to Bullshit Interviewers over 1 year ago

@carlodicelico says "GitHub (Bitbucket, etc.) remains the best way to do that. It also says a lot about a prospective engineer if they have a lot of pet projects and contribute to open source because that tells me that they genuinely love technology and aren't just in it for a job."

That's ridiculous. I own, collectively, 4.5% of nothing as the various stock options that were supposed to incentivize me to put my life on hold and put everything into working for those companies ... are now worthless. I AM just in it for a job. I also have a life. I love technology but I also have outside interests. When I am not at work I love working with my hands and not f*cking thinking about computing or anything else much at all.

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