Joined June 2013

Kenny Brijs

Brussels Area, Belgium

Welcome ;)

For the people who need support, sorry guys, didn't expect this to get so much attention and got no time to help out with all the specific problems, hope the article helps most of you ;)

Thx m8! ;)

Great to hear this article helped you guys :)

@chrisbowyer: I'm a little too busy to look into it right now, were you able to find it yet?

Posted to Responsive typography made easy over 1 year ago

Hi moonbeetle ;)

Can't see your code, but check out this article:

Once you get it working like that you should be able to figure out the rest, the code in this article is just an automation of the principle explained there ;)

Hope it helps

Posted to Responsive typography made easy over 1 year ago

Yes, browsers not supporting rem's wont get responsive type, but that's not a bad thing per se because most mobile browsers support it and old desktop browsers will just get te "regular size" with pixels, which they would also get if they supported rem's

The thing with changing the $base—if you mean the base font-size—is that you can't change that with media queries. The $base variable is set in SASS (or LESS) which is then compiled to CSS. The media query logic is executed in the browser (the CSS) and there you can't change the SASS/LESS variables when the media query detects a certain screen size.

Is this an answer to your question or have I misunderstood something?

Grtz ;)

Posted to Responsive typography made easy over 1 year ago

Glad to hear that mattquirk, good luck ;)

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