Joined January 2013

Job van der Voort

Rails dev.
Zaandam, Netherlands

Nowadays it's best to just use Spring, which comes bundled with Rails 4.1 and up, rather than use guard. Spring is easier to use.

Thanks for the tips! Will change it right away :-)

Posted to Turbo Testing with Spring over 1 year ago

I didn't try it, but I suppose it does. The change to your Guardfile should be minimal: replace any call to rspec or cucumber with bin/rspec and bin/cucumber.

Posted to Sublime Text Symlink over 1 year ago

This works for sublime 2 as well.

Also, it's commonly used as subl, instead of sublime. Saves you a bit of typing ;)

Posted to ActiveRecord empty? vs count over 1 year ago

It'd be nice to know why .empty? is faster. Maybe try increasing your sample size and averaging the result for a more convincing result.

It's always nice to know more about optimisation of AR queries!

Did you try Puma instead of Unicorn?

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