Joined March 2012
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Quitting OS X Terminal Windows
over 1 year
I use cmd+w on iterm2, or ctrl+d which also works to quit sshs, so if you are in a ssh session ctrl+d will close the session, another ctrl+d will close the window, tab, or panel.
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zsh + iTerm2 OSX shortcuts
over 1 year
thank you very much for this. The goto beginning of line and end of line works just perfect with this however to move from words I have to put like this:
bindkey "\e\e[D" backward-word
bindkey "\e\e[C" forward-word
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Your first SPDY app
over 1 year
fantastic guide! this looks awesome, thank you
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awesome tip, it does work when the stack has file:line but for some reason javacript is file:line:column and iterm fails there. do you know any workarround to that?