@dporto99 and @likeyn related comments here. after playing with tig a bit, i really like it, but it is a dependency, where as glog is just an alias and easily configurable to your own taste. On the dependency note: While you may not always have access to create your own aliases on a remote machine or install a dependency like tig, you probably have the ability to fetch the git data. So you can always run the glog
command, or tig
for that matter, for a remote history by specifying the branch or checking it out, eg git checkout production/master && git glog
w00t w00t. I can't believe I got a @rpearce pro tip in my weekly email!
Very nice. thanks @halkeye and @silopolis. Two new tools to check out. Have not heard of tig or etckeeper but both sound very useful. Feel free to link back your favorite tutorial on them!
how about map?
[1,null,undefined,false].map(function(x){ return x })
I have used emacs extensively in the past, but currently use vim. It is the default for our development group and has some benefits for remote pairing.
@plukevdh yah coding in coderwall's text editor is obviously prone to error. Was only trying to make the most simple spec snippet that would be marginally understandable without a lot of extraneous code. I would have maybe more accurately said
def magically_transform_start_date_from_string(string)
@start_date = Date.parse string
but, you get the point.
That would be really handy if view supported piping: cat some_file.rb | view
doesn't seem to work very well for me. any way around that?
@shamansir can you explain how this is monadic instead of just composition (maybe its the same and I'm too dense to see it)? Trying to grok monads and maybe that would help me. Thanks!
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I wrote a protip a while ago that expands on the splat idea for list processing constructs in ruby: https://coderwall.com/p/qgis3g