Joined December 2012

Samuel Williams

Code Otaku at Orion Transfer
Christchurch, New Zealand

In addition, sometimes I've needed to specify --use-system-libraries

On my MacBook Pro (Retina), running 10.9 (Mavericks), I had the following improvement:

^_^ > time cp data.bin /Volumes/samuel/data.bin 
cp data.bin /Volumes/samuel/data.bin  0.00s user 0.15s system 0% cpu 1:57.14 total
^_^ > time cp data.bin /Volumes/samuel/data.bin
cp data.bin /Volumes/samuel/data.bin  0.00s user 0.10s system 0% cpu 15.959 total

If you have more complex requirements, you might find the following helpful:

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