@arrichter - It should be extensible enough to modify it to fit your needs, I've used this layout for multiple text elements and the like within a card and it's worked just fine, but I haven't integrated expanding/collapsing cards yet, I'm working on it still!
@arrichter - No problem, let me know how the layout works out for you!
@arrichter The card_background.xml is a drawable file, I hope this helps out!
@djurczak In terms of Mechanize for Ruby/Python/Perl, size doesn't necessarily matter in that case because I do not believe that they are that large. However, if you were using them in a Web Application, having multiple calls to an external library could add up and using an HTTP Post would be a way to minimize resources and speed up the execution process of the script/application.
Now, HTMLUnit for Java was the reason why I started using HTTPPosts instead of external libraries. The size of HTMLUnit is about 4-10 MB, the actual size escapes me, but either way, using a library that large for an Android application is impractical. Nobody wants to add 4 MB to their APK, when it could be used for other resources, hence why an HTTPPost is better. Also, HTMLUnit/Selenium don't work on Android anyways, and even when people have gotten them to work, they take up valuable space that the user needs.
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@shivam101 - wrapcontent on the listitem.xml, rather than using the List Item Preferred Height?