Joined March 2012

Robert Pataki

Front-End Developer Contractor at Voom Interactive
London, UK

Posted to My typical dev env - checklist over 1 year ago

Thanks @lsaffie, Vagrant is another great one! I have used it a few times, but it's not part of my typical set up, hence I didn't mention it.

I've read that lots of users still have the same issue on Retina Macbook Pros, or when using an external display. It seems that the Chrome dev team has fixed and merged the original issue (unresponsive process in Activity Monitor - .

There also seems to be a fix for the external display issue in the latest version of Chromium and Chrome Dev - more details:

Unfortunately it seems that the slowness is not the only issue with Chrome - I have noticed that pages in Chrome are extremely laggy when scrolling - I hope that in the new version they also addressed this bug.

Hi @brday!

Thank you very much for the great feedback!

As far as I am concerned it doesn't matter how you install Sublime from the point of creating and using the symlink - it should just work.

I haven't got much experience with symlinks, but I believe you're right about overriding the symlink.


Posted to npm list --depth=0 over 1 year ago


This is very useful, thanks for sharing! I have a - most probably npm newby - issue and I hope you will be able to help me out.

When I run npm list -depth=0 in my project folder after the level 1 list I get the following error messages:

npm ERR! max depth reached: devtools-terminal[@]0.0.1, required by
npm ERR! max depth reached: grunt-cli[@]0.1.11, required by undefined[@]undefined
npm ERR! max depth reached: grunt-init[@]0.2.1, required by undefined[@]undefined
npm ERR! max depth reached: jsdoc[@]3.2.0-dev, required by undefined[@]undefined
npm ERR! max depth reached: npm[@]1.3.2, required by undefined[@]undefined
npm ERR! max depth reached: yuidocjs[@]0.3.45, required by undefined[@]undefined
npm ERR! not ok code 0

Sorry for the [@]-s, I couldn't figure out how to get Coderwall to render the @ without wrapping them up as anchors.

Could you help me figuring out why I am getting these?


+1 @kamilwysocki you're right. I just realised the extra '=' in mine, which shouldn't be there. Sorry for the confusion.

Today I found that latest Chrome (Version 31.0.1650.48) is stable and doesn't crash as the version before. yay!

That's what I thought @yevgenko, but for some reason it didn't give me anything yesterday. Now today both my version and yours return the same list of commits, so I'll just go for 'yesterday.midnight', as it makes more sense :) Thanks!

I absolutely love this one! I just gave it a go myself to see if I can get my commits on all branches I did yesterday and the following one works like a charm:

git config --global alias.all-yesterday = !git log --graph --all --since="day.before.yesterday.midnight" --until=midnight --author=\"$(git config\" --oneline

$ git all-yesterday

Of course if you need only the currently active branch, get rid of the --all flag from the command.

+1 for the ~~ operator, I didn't actually know that you can floor numbers like that, thanks for sharing

@brad_mem, here is another useful resource for you to set up the Sublime command line tool on Windows:

@brad_mem: I haven't used Windows for development for years, so I would not try to write about it as it's not really my territory. However after some quick searching on Google I've found this: It looks great and it could be a great starting point for writing a ST3 installation guide for Windows users - if you're up for it :)

I am glad you found it useful Mr Mitchell :)

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