I wrote tiny scripts to iron out Git + P4Merge integration: http://pempek.net/articles/2014/04/18/git-p4merge/
@teamon and then you're just one step away from what I consider to be the ideal ssh+tmux setup: http://goo.gl/XumZS9
I would stick to html5-boilerplate's clearfix: https://github.com/h5bp/html5-boilerplate/blob/master/src/css/main.css#L159-179
Have a look at etckeeper
Vim supports Fish since 7.4-276
Actually, make sure you /usr/bin/ssh-add -K
. E.g. you can have brew's version of OpenSSH and still use usr/bin/ssh-add -K
to add a key to the system's keychain
It's not about getting rid of autossh. It's about not requiring opening monitoring ports
You don't need autossh
monitoring if you use ServerAliveInterval
and ServerAliveCountMax
in your ssh config.
I've documented the something similar https://coderwall.com/p/f528fw, details on my site: http://pempek.net/articles/2013/04/24/vpn-less-persistent-ssh-sessions/
copy/paste the code to some header file, the formatting is going to be ok
Good point, I changed the tip so that .
is searched first
I won't comment on ANSICON which I don't know and the link is still out of reach at the time I'm writing this.
For those using Windows, msys-git comes with bash inside mintty which is nice. I assume it's pretty much what would end up in most people's hands (those who don't go the Git Extensions or Soucetree route)
Another option for Windows is ConEmu-Maximus5 + msys-git.
Never said Perfect Shell wasn't related to the topic. It's actually very related to it. And sure you write however you want. I was just looking for a tip and felt all I got were random thoughts pasted together :) Didn't meant to be rude or something.
So what's the message?
You mention Cygwin, Git Shell and Ansicon in the same line. But the "Git Shell" link is actually a link to GitHub for Windows, which is a GUI app, not a shell. Then the "Ansicon" link asks for credentials to login...
So what is it all about? Promoting Perfect-Shell? Why not say "Guys, I made Perfect-Shell. It solves my problems. I think it's good, you should give it a try". Would save us time!
Sure. Updated
Indeed, most collaborative projects will likely have their own .gitignore
Having a global .gitignore
helps certain cases but isn't a free pass for not having a proper per project .gitignore
For existing branches:
$ for branch in $(git for-each-ref --format='%(refname)' -- refs/heads/); do git config branch."${branch#refs/heads/}".rebase true; done
I also added a oneliner to do it for all branches
Indeed thank you!
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@dragon788 I believe my alias predates the -A option to tmux new-session. Thanks for the tip!