Joined March 2013

Gonzalo Ayuso

San Sebastián

Posted to Advices and resources for PHP novices over 1 year ago

100% agree. Besides "Learn the language, not a framework" I'd like to add "Learn to code, no matter the language". Programming language are just tools and the way of mastering those tools are usually the same. The SOLID principles, for example, will help us to solve problems effectively. Also this knowledge will be usefull not only with one language. For example if we've got good SOLID skills we can switch from PHP to Java without more problems than the learning of the the new syntax. Don't reduce the learning of one language to books and tutorials of this programming language.

But IMHO there's something that I you miss: "Read another's code". Pick open source projects and read its code. There're great projects: Symfony, Doctrine, Laravel,... Get into internals and understand the way that they use to solve the problems, detect the patterns. This simple action will "infect" your mind with good practises that you'll use later whiting your projects.

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