Newest Programming Tips
Get a markdown list of your atom modules
Filip Weiss
0 responses
sed, markdown, atom
Prefix all elements of a bash variable with a string
Michael Stucki
0 responses
array, variable, bash
Rails Migration To Update postgress array column
Dave Schwantes
0 responses
migration, rails4, postgres array
Extend $resource with AngularJs
0 responses
angular, $resource, extends
One Touch To Lunch
0 responses
stripe, programming ui, mapkit, paypall
Getting Git Commit Reports from Command Line
David Duggins
0 responses
devops, git, managment
Using Git to Track more then just Code Changes
David Duggins
1 response
devops, git, managment
SetUp OpenCV with VS2012 on Win7 64bit
Ventsislav Polimenov
0 responses
opencv, vs2012, c, windows7
Coding conventions: Use 'z' as suffix for identifiers that could be singular or parallel
Doug Puchalski
0 responses
ruby, coding-conventions
Nginx configuration for a Flask app with a uWSGI upstream
James Bradach
0 responses
nginx, flask, uwsgi
Introduction ~ Created Instagram Filter with JavaScript
1 response
canvas, html5, javascript
Allocate weekly dedicated time for your personal projects!
Patrick Metzdorf
0 responses
work, self-improvement, balance
Generate 1099 random english letters without custom functions in Javascript
Alex Indigo
0 responses
chrome, node, fun, random
Mount Cuba App in Rails 4
Stan Carver II
0 responses
rails, cuba, rails engine
Boost eCommerce Sales With a Well-Designed Search Bar
Adrienne Erin
3 responses
web design, search bar
Building Javascript with Fly
Maximilian Klein
1 response
javascript, build system, fly
when openssh 7 blocks your public-key
Sven Eigenbrodt
4 responses
ssh, openssh
In page cached jQuery Ajax queries
Mr Rogers
0 responses
cache, ajax, promise, jquery
A new package for using Artisan via the web Interface ! - Laravel
Hamza Ouaghad
0 responses
web, laravel, ssh, commands
Disappearing scrollbars on popups
0 responses
css, scrollbar, popup, mousebehaviour
performance boost on fixed background image
0 responses
css, background, background-image, fixed
Parse XML into associative array (with CDATA-Support)
Robin von den Bergen
0 responses
php, json, xml, html
Emacs tail -f log files
0 responses
emacs, tail -f