Newest Programming Tips
tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath: not working
François Benaiteau
0 responses
ios, uitableview, interfacebuilder
Translate content inline with JavaScript only
Willian Keller
2 responses
translate, javascript, translator, inline translate
The Benefits of Working with Git
Nicola Pietroluongo
0 responses
software, development, git, versioning
Extending 3rd Party Directives
Josey Morton
0 responses
extend, decorators, directive, angular
Cleanly Extend 3rd Party AngularJS Directives
Josey Morton
1 response
extend, decorator, angular
What is new in Rails 5? (Features + Changes)
Akshay Mohite
0 responses
ruby, rails
Font Face Generator
Michael Turnwall
0 responses
css, sass, mixin, font-face
pre-commit hooks
Angel Botto
0 responses
ruby, rails, hook, git
Renamimg all files in a folder using the `mv` command
Jean-Rémy Duboc
2 responses
shell, command line, linux, folders
ifcfg-eth0 of Fedora
Jeff Li
0 responses
Heroku assets not minified?
Jake Tollette
0 responses
ruby, rails, heroku, asset pipeline
3 line recursive roman number converter
1 response
ruby, converter, recursive, recursion
Difference between Ruby String and Symbol
Sourav Kumar
0 responses
ruby string, ruby symbol, souravbhadani
Python open source implementation of PageRank
Ashkon Farhangi
0 responses
python, pagerank
Drupal + Sass & Compass, a perfect match!
0 responses
drupal, sass, a perfect match!
try!() macro for the Option type in Rust
0 responses
rust, try, option
SASS: Dependencies margins and columns
Willian Keller
0 responses
sass, practice, few lines, facilitate
Today's favorite
Frans Krojegård
1 response
heroku, config, .env
FoneLab iPhone Data Recovery
0 responses
iphone, data, recovery, aiseesoft
Sourcing custom located .gitconfig file
Abhijeet Sutar
1 response
config, gitconfig, git
Want to search React's docs? Do it with Dash!
0 responses
documentation, search, react
Nginx VirtualHost with PHP_VALUE for XHGUI and fpm socket for Lumen
Daniel Maricic
0 responses
php, nginx, vhost, profiler
Set hostname permanently in Fedora 22
Jeff Li
0 responses
fedora, linux
Writing smart LTR/RTL CSS with SASS
Rotem Horovitz
0 responses
css, rtl, sass, ltr