Joined September 2014

Filip Sobczak

AngularJS developer

jtomaszewski: agreed with all. Yet, that's not really jQuery vs AngularJS debate. That's a debate, whether jQuery solely for DOM manipulation is useful at all, whether we use any framework on top of it, or not.

I really like jQuery, it makes me more productive, focus on domain problem at hand instead of thinking what was the name of a native JS method. On the other hand, I see how it can be an issue with many projects. One is what you mentioned (JS size), the other is speed.

In the end, I guess one has to choose technology for each project individually, based on requirements, and most of these technology flame wars are like "apples vs oranges" discussions ;)

Posted to angular & jquery over 1 year ago

These myth of AngularJS vs jQuery battle spreads around like a virus.

Why you can and PROBABLY SHOULD use jQuery along AngularJS:

jQuery serves completely different purpose then AngularJS. AngularJS is a framework that gives structure for your app. jQuery is DOM manipulation library.

AngularJS uses jQuery / jqLite underneath for it's native directives (all ng-*), cause jQuery does DOM manipulation well.

So yes, you should use jQuery. What is bad practice is doing DOM manipulation (using jQuery or whatever) inside controllers / services. You should always do DOM manipulation only in directives.

Posted to 'Safe' $apply in Angular.JS over 1 year ago

You should almost always know if you're in AngularJS context or not, so this should be used only in some corner cases.

Triggering digest cycle too often won't do good for your app's performance. Lots of operations can and should be done outside (like scrolling / resizing handlers)

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