Joined August 2013

David Collingwood

Brisbane, Australia

Great post! Technology, especially web technology is one of those subjects that are constantly evolving, and universities are struggling to keep up. By the time a course gets approved it's already out of date. I am studying at the moment and for one course we weren't allowed to use HTML5 or CSS3...I'm sure it comes as no surprise that I haven't been taught anything from your list. I've had to learn all of that in my own time.

Posted to jQuery DOM cache object over 1 year ago

Nice idea! I also wanted to combat this same issue and wrote my own protip on the subject:

Posted to Do you even code? [JavaScript Arrays] over 1 year ago

Wow, I didn't realise that some of these functions were built-in! I just had a quick look and support seems really good except IE 8, but using modernizr would make it pretty easy to work around that.

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