Joined July 2011

Alex G


Posted to Sort gems in your Gemfile over 1 year ago

@janlelis, nice script! Not sure I'll use it to keep a sorted list of gems - it adds a lot of noise to Gemfile. Overall, I like it, it could save some time.

Posted to Sort gems in your Gemfile over 1 year ago

@descentintomael, why not? I found it quite handy to have sorted groups of gems in large Gemfile.

For instance, take a look at catarse project's Gemfile
and at the version with sorted gems in groups. At the first sight there is no difference, but I believe that the additional rule (or convention) reduces the chaos in that file. Of course it should be a team decision.

Posted to Sort gems in your Gemfile over 1 year ago

Make sure you understand what does '<,'> mean ;)

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