Joined March 2012

Dan Croak

CMO at thoughtbot
San Francisco
· is also designed to be drop-in, super-simple forms for Jekyll.

Posted to Make bundler crazy fast over 1 year ago

I'm not someone who knows how many cores my machine has without looking it up. So, I think a slight improvement to the first line might be:

number_of_cores=`sysctl -n hw.ncpu`
bundle config --global jobs `expr $number_of_cores - 1`

That should automatically pick one number less than the number of cores on the machine.

I configured Bundler for parallel gem installs in thoughtbot's laptop script based on this tip, edited to dynamically use one number less than the number of cores on the machine.

Posted to Make bundler crazy fast over 1 year ago

Great idea with the global ~/.gemrc. I sometimes remember to add that flag when installing but very rarely.

However, the --no-doc and --no-ri flags are deprecated in Ruby 2.0. So, the ~/.gemrc might be slightly improved as:

gem: --no-document

I disabled Rubygem documentation in thoughtbot's dotfiles based on this tip, edited for Ruby 2.0.

Posted to Installing Rails on OSX Mavericks over 1 year ago

The thoughtbot laptop script also now works on Mavericks:

chsh -s /bin/zsh
zsh <(curl -s

That installs:

  • Bundler
  • Exuberant Ctags
  • Foreman
  • Heroku Toolbelt
  • Hub
  • Homebrew
  • ImageMagick
  • Postgres
  • Qt
  • Rails
  • Rbenv
  • Redis
  • Ruby Build
  • Ruby stable (currently 2.0.0-p353)
  • The Silver Searcher
  • Tmux
  • Watch
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