Joined May 2011

Craig P Jolicoeur

Rhode Island, USA

Sure you could set any kind of ENV variable you wanted to point to the vimrc file inside dropbox.

Tell us something we didn't already know why don't you...

For anyone interested, here is the commit where the modelOptions were removed from master:

Currently, only the "options.collections" value is set directly, "url and urlRoot" have been removed.

@w0ng Interesting, I'll check that out. I use Pathogen currently, but wasnt aware of Vundle

Posted to Rails migration VERSION fetcher over 1 year ago

@bsimpson doing an ls on the directory doesn't actually tell you if you have run the most recent migration, it just tells you which one it is, which means db:rollback might not rollback the version you think or in your case, might fail completely

Posted to Rails migration VERSION fetcher over 1 year ago

bro, rake db:version will give you the current version much easier

rake db:version | awk '{print $3}'

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