Joined July 2013

Ches Martin

Bangkok, Thailand

It's a common mistake to suggest running composer update to install dependencies—what you want is composer install, which will install exactly the current versions defined in the project's composer.lock. Running update will update all of your dependencies. You don't want to find out at production deployment time that a package you depend on has made a breaking API change in its latest version that you haven't tested yet.

Posted to Per project .vimrc files over 1 year ago

Be aware that secure doesn't really offer a great deal of protection in the things that someone could do by slipping in a malicious .vimrc into a directory you might pull from the wide world. There is a plugin that prompts you to confirm local rc files the first time and caches a hash of the file so it will prompt again if it is changed by someone else. There's some discussion/alternatives on Stack Overflow also.

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